Veterinary surgeons

Coast2Coast Farm Vets, female avatar
Phillippa Hampson BVSc BSc(Hons) MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
Having qualified in 2024, Phillippa is keen to explore all aspects of veterinary medicine out and about on farm.
Alessio Pierattini MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
After coming from Italy in 2018, Alessio has been working with local Cornish farms. He enjoys all aspects of farm work but especially likes the challenge that comes with lameness.
Coast2Coast Farm Vets, female avatar
Becky Bird
Veterinary Surgeon
(currently on maternity leave)
Rebecca Adamczyk, Veterinary Surgeon at Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Rebecca Bird BVetMed MRCVS
Clinical Director
Rebecca qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2010.

Her special interests are in small ruminants health management and disease prevention.
Fiona Iddles, vet at Coast2Coast Farm
Fiona Iddles BVetMed MRCVS
Clinical Director
Fiona qualified from The Royal Veterinary College in September 2014 and started with us here at Coast2Coast Farm Vets in 2018.

Her special interests are in infectious disease management, herd health planning, surgery and beef cattle.
Simon Mitchell, Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Simon Mitchell BVSc BSc MSc PhD MRCVS
Clinical Director
Simon qualified from Liverpool University in 2009.

His special interests are in bovine embryo medicine, herd health planning, surgery and software analytical interpretation.
Harriet Chapman Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Harriett Chapman BVMS MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
Harriett qualified in 2006 and has interests in calf health, dairy cow fertility and disease prevention.
Polly Gray, Veterinary Surgeon at Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Polly Gray BSc BVM&S MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
Polly qualified from Edinburgh University in 2010 and has special interests in sheep medicine and flock health management.
Kumar Sivam, vet at Coast2Coast Farm
Kumar Sivam BVSc CertCHP MSc MBA MRCVS
Kumar qualified in 1983 from Bristol University. He is a certificate holder in cattle health and production with special interests in active health planning, data management and robotic milking systems. Kumar is our lead veterinary surgeon of the South West Lameness Forum.
Dean Worth, Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Dean Worth BVM&S MRCVS
Dean qualified in 1994 from Edinburgh University and has special interests in bovine respiratory disease, dairy cow fertility, beef cattle and bull fertility testing.
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